Welcome to Paradaida, a refuge for all things sustainable and self-sufficient.
The oldest love that I can remember (save for my childhood pets) is the discovery and exploration of the universe. From the micro-organisms living in the soil beneath our feet to the mysteries of star formation and gravity, every level of scale held something of great interest to the young version of me. Child-like wonder mixed with an unending enthusiasm to produce a cocktail that I still sip from in the present day.
Over the last few years, with Brexit turning my country onto a path filled with loose rocks and icy patches, social media revealing the cracks and fissures present in our patchwork society, Covid and war creating widespread waves of fear through the populace, and the climate becoming ever more a force that is not on our side, I felt a need to stand up and create something in response. A clarion call to promote issues that deserve promotion, actions that need taking and knowledge that yearns to be known. That is ultimately what Paradaida is for.
“Gaia, as I see her, is no doting mother tolerant of misdemeanours, nor is she some fragile and delicate damsel in danger from brutal mankind. She is stern and tough, always keeping the world warm and comfortable for those who obey the rules, but ruthless in her destruction of those who transgress.”
-- Ages of Gaia -- James Lovelock
What's in a name?
The word 'paradaida' carries much significance to me. Persian ancestor to the word 'paradise', imagos of heavenly green places can be found in the hearts and minds of every culture and civilisation. The untouched disturbed natural beauty of a revered location and the structural cultivated beauty of a created greenspace have more in common than not, and my mission through business, leisure, literature and art is to help reunite the two defining spheres of the modern human experience.
A secondary narrative runs through the name. This world, that we fight so desperately to preserve, is changing. Climate change and the freak weather anomalies accentuated by its acceleration are not temporary. Invasive and naturalised species have changed the face of the earth and there is no way to turn back time or the industrialism that enabled them such travel. With this in mind, the word paradise to me needs to be taken back, retooled and reimagined for this era of uncertainty. We can live in acceptance of our crumbling world and take everything we know to build better, using our knowledge of sustainable practice and our reignited attitudes to the physical world. There are many in this world already taking the regenerative steps necessary and I will take the time to single out and highlight those incredible efforts, but we can all partake in the rebalancing of the world.
Professional Services
My paid services can be found here, ranging from general garden maintenance to design and consultancy services.
Under Your Nose
Paradaida's blog on everything under the sun, or rather under your nose! Environmental journalism, research papers and educational content can be found here.